Implications Of Data-driven Models For Design Theory And Methodology

Mark Fuge, Proceedings of the ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (2017).
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This presentation 1) reviews the outcomes of a one-day symposium on Data-Driven Design held at the University of Maryland on O ctober 16th, 2016; and 2) discusses the implicationsof those outcomes on new Design Theory and Methodology research. These outcomes include opportunities and challenges for Data-Driven Design, ranging from modeling to verification to establishing researcher culture. This presentation organizes those opportunities and challenges and then poses a series of questions to the DTM community to catalyze discussion about how to prioritize, address, or add to these challenges. My intent is for the presentation to enable group discussion during the conference and gather feedback about key challenges and calls to action for the DTM community. In this respect, I intend for this presentation to raise more questions and discussion than it answers.